Sustainability and Profit: Two Sides of the same high-value coin

Did you think sustainability only benefits People and Planet?

Well, think again and fast.

Embracing a more sustainable business model is the greatest tailwind you could ever seize right now. But how is sustainability boosting your People, Planet, and Profit?

Referencing the guidelines of the leading Sustainability Business Council, you should consider 3 key drivers:

  1. Attracting consumers: Over 2/3of millennials are willing to pay more for sustainable products, such as those having a plastic-free packaging or items that can be rented.
  2. Gaining qualified workforce: 75%of millennials want to work in a company that prioritises the People and the Planet.
  3. Accessing green investments: Achieving the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) will cost us $10 trillion. To compensate for that, sustainable funds are growing, with a peak of $30 trillion already in 2018.

Are you ready to tap into this green mint? Time is money. And sustainability is too.

At The Purpose Factory, we can leverage our experience of turning sustainability into value propositions and speed up your process to secure a sustainable ROI.


Reach out today, be sustainably richer tomorrow.